Home Refurbishment Sponsorship

Many homes in Gashora are in desperate need of refurbishment. Inhaling the constant dust from the mud walls and sleeping in difficult conditions contributes to the spread of sickness and diseases in the schools. By refurbishing homes of our students, we can ensure that our families stay healthier and the children are able to come to school. We can also create a safer place for our families to live and employ local workers to support the growth of Gashora’s economy.
For only $1,000, you can change a family’s life by drastically improving their living situation. $1,000 will pay to spread cement on the walls and floors, paint the walls, fix any structural issues, improve overall sanitation, and employ local construction workers. Some of our donors have even gone to work on the house they sponsored and seen firsthand the incredible difference these efforts have made.
Opportunities to get involved:
- Donate to provide for the refurbishment of a home
- Get a group and raise the money together to refurbish a home (or two!)
- Donate the money for a home and come work on the project alongside our workers
- Share this with a friend!
Home sponsors will be able to learn the names of the families they are sponsoring, as well as see photos of the family and the project.
Thank you so much for your consideration of this important project.